Brody Hannan presented a lively and enthusiastic account of his journey from his Rotary supported selection to attend the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) camp in 2014 to his current teaching position at Euroa Secondary College. After the NYSF Camp he had been given the opportunity to go to the Science Forum in the UK and was subsequently awarded a scholarship to Australian National University. He stressed how important it had been to go away and experience life from a different point of view.


Jim gave an enlightening and eye- opening account of the inner workings of the advertising industry and the importance of creativity in our lives. His creative journey began with the Euroa Citizen’s Band, where he learned to play the cornet, through his internship as a journalist in Shepparton to his establishment of Red Handed, an advertising company for rural and regional Australia. The business grew rapidly and when Clemenger BBDO bought the company in 2012 Jim gradually rose through the ranks via stints in Perth and New Zealand to eventually be appointed CEO.

Laura Baker & Loretta York

President Laura us gave us an outline of the group's vision for Euroa. In particular on a Community Garden that would give townspeople the opportunity to connect socially and be educated in the environment and in ways to improve their skills in growing vegetables. As this is something we have already discussed a number of times and the need has grown because of the Covid which had put our intentions on hold for more than 12 months.


Julie Salomon, the CEO of the Strathbogie Shire gave us an interesting insight into the surveys recently carried out amongst the ratepayers which was designed to find what they loved about the town - what they thought could be done better and what they could live without.

Julie’s address was very well received which was evidenced by the wide range of questions she was happy to respond to afterwards.

National Youth Science Forum

Abbey Lazenby is the most recent of 10 students sponsored by our club for the National Youth Science Forum. Her program was online due to Covid & Abbey found it beneficial in deciding that she would like to make a career in medical science. Abbey enjoyed the opportunity to interact with like minded students and found the program easy to pick up and very motivating. She also commented that it had helped her to appreciate how much Rotary does in the community. Abbey was very impressive in her presentation and a great example of why we should continue to support this program.

Gemma Parkinson/Courtney Gordon HEADSDPACE

Headspace is a service providing support for mental health in the youth of the day. Based in Shepperton their help extends far and wide including smaller villages like Euroa. Headspace has 26 offices in Australia and offer free service for issues like anxiety, self confidence, employment, suicide prevention and sexual health. Online bullying through social media has seen a big increase in the pressures a child experiences since the advent of the mobile phone.

Lilly and Mary
Euroa Secondary College

Lilly and Mary from Euroa Secondary College shared their view of the experience of completing HSC during our
Covid-19 pandemic.

Their positive outlook on life, the self motivation and their bubbly outgoing personalities left us all with a feeling that the future of our country is assured if these two are a sample of what our educational system is turning out.


Councilor Kristy Hourigan

Guest speaker Strathbogie Shire Councilor Kristy Hourigan gave a spirited overview of her four years at our fabulous town asset known as the Euroa Caravan Park. Despite starting with a rundown asset, then experiencing flood, drought, bushfires and Covid, Kristy and her husband have made this vibrant local business blossom even after virtually every obstacle was thrown at them. A riveting presentation. Kristy particularly enjoyed our Sergeant’s Fund Raising Fine Session. We could tell by the quite audible giggles.
