



Name: Peter Morley

My "Two Bobs" worth...: Project
Construct Safety fence between back of Northern republic and creek ( not bollards ) along creek side as working track is used with more regularity someone is sure to have an accident

Please add info to suggest how this might work best: Either working bee or obtain grant and subcontract


Post Covid, many service clubs will need to communicate and co-operate more closely in the community. As one way that Rotary can start this communication, I suggest that the President elect (preferably) or the President of Apex and Lions Clubs be offered honorary membership each year to build relations and hopefully work with each other for our community.
— Source: Mark Freudenstein 12-01-2021 Meeting 11-02-21 - No action to be taken

Euroa Community Raffle
1st level Prize - $1,000 gift voucher. 2nd level Prize - $500.00 gift voucher. 3rd level Prize - 5 X $100.00 Gift Vouchers.
Gift Vouchers - Redeemable only in Euroa Chamber of Commerce (participating stores)
Ticket Prices: $5.00- access to draw for all levels of prizes. $2.00 - access ONLY to level three prizes.
Sell tickets run up to Easter - draw @ close of supermarket on Easter Saturday
— Source: Mark Freudenstein 07-01-2021 Meeting 11-02-21 - Action: Neil Tubb & Richard Noble

Provide a shredding service to community for private documents One or two days per year. May charge or provide a free service.
— Source: Unknown Member 07-01-2021 Meeting 11-02-21 - no further action

In order to get Rotary back on deck and upfront in terms of local visibility, a raffle could easily be handled. Organising suitable prizes would be the first step. With that issue addressed, the number and cost of tickets is easy. Just a thought. We need to get all our active members active. Selling tickets is not difficult - and can readily be achieved within whatever Covid protocols need to be applied.
— Source: Gary Mason email to Secretary 07-01-2021 Meeting 11-02-21 - Action: Neil Tubb & Richard Noble

Refer Indi Grants Newsletter 2021-02
Page 10: ROAD SAFETY Driver Reviver Site Upgrade Program – Round 2 The objective of Round Two of the Program is to improve road safety outcomes with a long-term aim to decrease harm and trauma related road crashes on Australian roads by revitalising Driver Reviver sites nationwide. The Program provides grants (capped at a maximum of $150,000) to fund upgrades and improved awareness to Driver Reviver sites and improve road safety by reducing road trauma resulting from driver fatigue.
— Source Jane Nolan email to Secretary 23-02-2021 - not eligible to apply - no further action

I’m thinking it would be a wonderful event if our club could stage a big Easter Egg hunt in the park as a goodwill gesture, there are soooooo many people coming here for holiday solutions, little expenditure, fantastic impact, please let me know what you think?
— Source Linda Bennet email to Secretary 05-03-2021 - Board believed to be problematic - no further action